Full Moon in Aries, October 9, 2022
Full Moon in Aries on Sunday, October 9, 2022, arrives with the intention of deep inner healing. To witness our fears and give them compassion. To meet our darkness and offer forgiveness. To bring acceptance to the corners of ourselves that have previously experienced only rejection. Embracing our flaws and everything that makes us unique is a process that begins on October 9. Don’t run away from the subconscious and shadow side of your personality: It’s a part of you that needs to be seen and nurtured. Doing so gives us the chance to understand the depths of ourselves that are rarely seen, which require compassion and empathy, too. Once we do that, then we can move forward and transform our lives for the better.
Use these powerful affirmations to align with the energy of the Aries Full Moon:
- I am strong, bold, and courageous, and I love to share these qualities with others
- I release and heal the parts of me that no longer help me move forward
- I am open to receiving the complete love and support of my peers
- I am blessed with exactly the right teachers and experiences I need to grow
- I am grateful to be surrounded by generosity, courage, and kindness
- I attract loving, supportive, and encouraging relationships into my life
- I joyously invite experiences and people who allow me to be who I am
- I release the past and rejoice with my loved ones in harmony
- I create space and room for abundance to enter my life